Greenfield EMC in Vellore region

100 acres of land looked for Greenfield EMC in Vellore region

The Electronic  hardware business is the biggest and quickest developing worldwide assembling industry at the rate of 7 for every penny . The Managing Director of Digital Circuits Private Limited and president of ELCINA Electronics Industries Association of India ELCINA Mr. Subash Goyal said that the  worldwide turnover would reach $2,400 billion by 2015 ,This will boost many elecrtonic companies in india        

Scope Expectation

When this happens by 2020 will have top 10 companies in India .Taking an interest in the Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on Brownfield Electronics Manufacturing Cluster (EMC) at the VIT University here on Saturday, he said the generation is just $35 billion in India, which is around 40 for every penny of the household interest of $90 billion. The remaining interest is met through imports.
While the residential interest would reach $400 billion by 2020, the development underway would barely reach $100 billion by then, leaving a hole of $300 billion. It must be met through imports, which would surpass India's oil imports.

The New Policy on Electronics (NPE) declared by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, incorporating e-administration activities, wide band integration and foundation of optical fiber system gave plentiful chances to setting up new gadgets units,

Mr. Viswanathan, VIT Chancellor, spoke to the State government to give 100 sections of land of area to the foundation of a Grld EMC — a hardware modern domain — in the Vellore region. Calling attention to that Vellore was going to turn into a vital city in perspective of its key area on the mechanical hall in the middle of Chennai and Bengaluru inside of the following 10 to 20 years
He guaranteed the assistance of the VIT-Technology Business Incubator in empowering the business visionaries to set up the units.

  • Industrialists contirbution

T.S. Udayashankar, industrialist from Vellore, needed a team to be set up to seek after the Brownfield EMC venture. S. Nagarajan, General Manager, Kramski Stamping & Molding India Pvt. Ltd., Vellore, said that as per the figures put together by the State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu (SIPCOT) to the administration, the gadgets commercial ventures in the Vellore region made a turnover of more than Rs.8,000 crore a year. A. Balachandran, General Manager, VIT-TBI, respected the social occasion.

Business people asked to approach ELCINA to set up electronic units

Abdul Rahman

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